1/24 : something old, something new - Abbe

>> Monday, January 25, 2010

Yesterday I cooked a recipe dauphinois potatoes (the ones you slice thinly and cook in milk) while we had farm-fresh raw milk in the fridge. This took advantage of a trick I learned somewhere along the way - you don't have to cook all the dishes in the meal the same day. We ate leftover sauteed veal cutlets, and newly cooked potatoes, and now we can cook some protein another day and have leftovers of the potato casserole.


Lisa January 25, 2010 at 10:25 AM  

Sounds silly to admit, but it's never occurred to me to mix new and leftovers. Maybe chips and leftovers or something, but not two dishes I had to COOK. It, uh, makes sense, doesn't it?

Abbe January 25, 2010 at 6:15 PM  

It never occurred to me until I had a kid who made cooking more unpredictable at first! I think I get bored really easily and would rather have my meat with one side one night and a different side another night. now that I try to cook a lot and don't want every meal to be a 3-course-effort - it helps to have several meals worth of roasted potatoes or squash casserole or roast chicken or meat loaf of lamb roast. Even when I make rice I often make enough to use it for something else later in the week.

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